Sigvaris offers compression wear for most medical needs, ranging from standard medical level to highly sophisticated solutions for specific indications, like complex edemas.
Compression Therapy
Product Line
Sigvaris specializes with providing a variety treatments of venous disorders such as
Varicose veins

Compression Therapy
Medical compression therapy
Medical compression therapy consists of applying a type of elastic device, mainly on the limbs, to exert a controlled pressure on them. By compressing the limbs or other body regions, the medical compression device squeezes the vein walls together, thereby improving overall circulation and supporting blood flow back towards the heart.
In addition, it helps to reduce swelling and formation of edema in edematous tissues by reducing the capillary leakage into the tissue and supports the lymphatic drainage of interstitial fluid. Medical compression provides significant relief of leg aching, pain, the feeling of swelling and heaviness, and other venous and lymphatic symptoms.
Medical compression effects
Blood circulation
The controlled pressure exerted by medical compression stockings reduces the diameter of major veins, thereby increasing the velocity and volume of blood flow. Consequently, medical compression improves blood transport from the extremities towards the heart, reduces blood reflux and stagnation, and provides better drainage of the deep venous system, which all helps to increase and therefore improve the circulatory rate.

Edematous tissue
Under medical compression, the balance in blood exchange is improved by reducing capillary leakage of fluid in the interstitial tissue. This leads to a better reduction of edema. A beneficial massaging effect of certain medical compression textiles, leading to a softening of hardened or fibrotic tissue, has been reported.
In addition, medical compression recreates conditions beneficial for the healing of chronic inflammatory disorders (e.g. cellulitis, erysipelas, venous leg ulcers, etc.), through reduced pro‐inflammatory cytokine levels and higher levels of the anti‐inflammatory cytokines. Also, improved skin microcirculation has been reported.
Lymphedema is a condition of localized fluid retention and tissue swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system. This results in swelling in one or more limbs. However, lymphedema can also occur in other body parts, e.g. neck, genital region, inguinal region, face, etc.
What cause Lymphedema and stages
Lymphedema is classified in two subtypes: primary lymphedema and secondary (or acquired) lymphedema.
Hereditary: primary lymphedema is thought to be the result of a congenital abnormality of the lymph conducting system
Acquired: secondary lymphedema results from damage to the lymphatic system (lymphatic vessels and/or lymph nodes) or from functional deficiency. Infections from insect bites, serious wounds, or burns can cause lymphedema when they damage or destroy the lymphatic system. Severe obesity, any type of surgery, serious injury, or radiation for cancer treatment (or the tumor itself) can cause the onset of the disease.
Depending on disease progression, lymphedema can be divided into three stages.
Stage I, the accumulation of fluid subsides when you elevate the affected limb. When pressed by the fingertips, the affected area indents and reverses with elevation (“pitting”).
Stage II signifies that limb elevation alone rarely reduces the tissue swelling. Pitting is manifest. Later in Stage II, the limb may not pit as excess subcutaneous fat and fibrosis develop.
Stage III encompasses lymphostatic elephantiasis where pitting can be absent and trophic skin changes, such as acanthosis, alterations in skin character and thickness, further deposition of fat and fibrosis, and overgrowths have developed.
Lymphedema stages 0, I, II, III